Description: Nurse and elderly patient practicing safe manual handling techniques in a care home setting.

Programa RAISE: un método efectivo y seguro para la movilización de pacientes en residencias de larga estancia según estudio piloto.

Programa RAISE: un método efectivo y seguro para la movilización de pacientes en residencias de larga estancia según estudio piloto.

entrenamiento en enfermería seguridad en el trabajo cuidado a largo plazo movilización de pacientes reducción de riesgos capacitación del personal rehabilitación.


Este estudio analiza la viabilidad de implementar el programa RAISE de capacitación en manejo manual de pacientes en el entorno de cuidados a largo plazo.

El programa RAISE busca mejorar la seguridad del personal y del paciente durante los movimientos asistidos, mediante la capacitación en evaluación continua del riesgo.

Los resultados indican que el programa fue aceptado y considerado práctico por el personal de enfermería, y que la capacitación en RAISE mejoró la conducta del personal en la asistencia al movimiento de los residentes.

Los residentes consideraron importante que el personal estuviera capacitado en el manejo manual y encontraron el programa aceptable.

Los fisioterapeutas pueden considerar la implementación de RAISE como una herramienta útil para mejorar la seguridad en el manejo manual de pacientes en el entorno de cuidados a largo plazo.

Implementación del programa RAISE en clínicas de fisioterapia

Los fisioterapeutas pueden beneficiarse al implementar el programa RAISE en sus clínicas, mejorando la seguridad de pacientes y el ambiente laboral. La adopción de este programa en clínicas de fisioterapia promueve un entorno más seguro, tanto para los profesionales como para sus pacientes, optimizando la calidad de atención y previniendo posibles incidentes.

Abstract original

Feasibility of implementing an innovative manual handling risk assessment training program for staff working in long-term care

Background: The Risk Assessment for moving Individuals SafEly (RAISE) program is a hospital-based manual handling nursing training program. RAISE involves upskilling on continual risk assessment during patient-assisted movements. RAISE aims to optimise staff and patient safety while providing the patient with movement and rehabilitation opportunities. Implementation of RAISE in the hospital setting has been established. The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of implementing RAISE in the long-term care setting.

Methods: We examined three feasibility domains: acceptability, practicality, and limited efficacy (observed nursing behaviour change which has the potential to reduce nursing injuries), using a prospective pilot pre-post design in the long-term care setting. Staff completed a 4-hour training session on RAISE delivered by two physiotherapists, followed by 8 h of supported behaviour change in the workplace. Staff acceptability and practicality of incorporating risk assessment strategies into manual handling approaches were explored through pre- and post-training staff surveys and a semi-structured interview. Resident acceptability of manual handling practices was explored via survey data collected after the RAISE training. Pre to post-training changes in staff knowledge and behaviour were examined through the pre- and post-training staff survey, and observation of staff assisting resident movement.

Results: Two enrolled nurses and five residents participated. Staff reported the RAISE program was acceptable and practical to implement in the long-term care setting. There were no adverse events or safety concerns. Staff reported the RAISE program provided guidance and enhanced staff empowerment to make decisions during assisted resident movement. There were 26 observed resident-staff manual handling interactions recorded, with 13 pre-training and 13 post-training. Post-training, RAISE skills had improved and were completed 100% of the time, except for completing a physical risk assessment which improved from 46 to 85%, demonstrating limited efficacy. Residents reported it's important for staff to be trained on how to assist them to mobilise and they found the concept of the RAISE program acceptable.

Conclusions: This pilot study supports the feasibility of long-term care facilities participating in future studies testing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Risk Assessment for moving Individuals SafEly (RAISE) patient and resident manual handling program.

Autores Natasha K Brusco
Christine Graven
Leanne Boyd
Helen Kugler
Helen Dawes
Helen Rawson
Lynne Clayton
Suzanna Tan
Victoria A Goodwin
Abi J Hall
Nicholas F Taylor
revista Arch Public Health
DOI 10.1186/s13690-023-01074-7