Description: Elderly person receiving chiropractic treatment for lower back pain.

"Explorando las barreras y facilitadores en la búsqueda de atención quiropráctica para el dolor lumbar crónico en adultos mayores: hallazgos clave para los fisioterapeutas."

"Explorando las barreras y facilitadores en la búsqueda de atención quiropráctica para el dolor lumbar crónico en adultos mayores: hallazgos clave para los fisioterapeutas."

dolor lumbar quiropraxia cuidado de la salud terapia manual envejecimiento barreras facilitadores accesibilidad pacientes mayores enfermedades musculoesqueléticas


Este estudio exploró las barreras y facilitadores percibidos por adultos mayores que buscan tratamiento quiropráctico por primera vez para su dolor lumbar crónico.

Se encontró que la falta de conocimiento sobre la quiropráctica fue la barrera más importante para buscar tratamiento.

Por otro lado, la insuficiente resolución de los síntomas después de recibir atención médica previa se identificó como el facilitador más importante.

El estudio sugiere que la edad y la condición de salud pueden ser determinantes débiles en la búsqueda de tratamiento quiropráctico.

Los fisioterapeutas pueden utilizar estos hallazgos para optimizar la accesibilidad de los adultos mayores a la atención quiropráctica.

Atención quiropráctica en adultos mayores con lumbalgia: Barreras y facilitadores

Los fisioterapeutas pueden beneficiarse al conocer las barreras y facilitadores en la búsqueda de atención quiropráctica por adultos mayores con lumbalgia. Este conocimiento permite mejorar la accesibilidad y promoción de servicios en clínicas de fisioterapia, optimizando la atención al paciente e impulsando el crecimiento del sector.

Abstract original

The perceived barriers and facilitators for chiropractic care in older adults with low back pain; insights from a qualitative exploration in a dutch context

Background: Understanding care seeking behaviour is vital to enabling access to care. In the context of low back pain (LBP), chiropractors offer services to patients of all ages. Currently, geriatric sub-populations tend to be under-investigated, despite the disproportionate effects of LBP on older adults. In the Netherlands, the chiropractic profession is relatively unknown and therefore, generally speaking, is not considered as the first choice for conservative musculoskeletal primary health care. The aim of this paper was to explore the experiences of older adults with LBP, seeking chiropracic care for the first time, in order to identify perceived barriers and facilitators in this process.

Methods: Stage 1: Participants 56 years of age and older with chronic LBP who either sought or did not seek chiropractic care were interviewed to provide detailed information on the factors that promoted or impeded care-seeking behaviour. A purposive sampling strategy was used to recruit participants through a network of researchers, chiropractors and other healthcare professionals offering musculoskeletal health care services. Individuals with underlying pathology, previous surgery for LBP, or insufficient mastery of the Dutch language were excluded. Data were collected until saturation was reached and thematically analysed. Stage 2: To further explore the themes, a focus group interview was conducted with a provider stakeholder group consisting of:two physiotherapists, a nurse practitioner, a geriatrician, and a chiropractor. All interviews were conducted online, voice recorded, and transcribed verbatim.

Results: We interviewed 11 older adults with low back pain. During this process four themes emerged that captured their perception and experiences in either seeking or dismissing chiropractic care for their LBP; these being 'generic', 'financial', 'expectation', and 'the image of the chiropractor'. The focus group members largely confirmed the identified themes, highlighting a lack of awarenes and accessibility as key barriers to care. On the other hand, whe chiropractior as an alternative care provider, with a focus on manual interventions, was seen as a facilitator.

Conclusions: The lack of knowledge about chiropractic care was found to be the most important barrier to seeking care. The most important facilitator was insufficient resolution of their symptoms following previous care, making patients look further for a solution for their problem. These barriers and facilitators seem not to differ greatly from barriers and facilitators found among younger patients with neck pain. Age and health condition may therefore be weak determinants of care. This new information may help us optimize accessibility for older adults to the chiropractor.

Autores Lobke P De la Ruelle
Annemarie de Zoete
Cornelius Myburgh
Hella E Brandt
Sidney M Rubinstein
revista PLoS One
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0283661