Description: Baby lying on stomach with head lifted, being supervised by adult.

La importancia de la prevención primaria en el desarrollo motor infantil para prevenir la plagiocefalia, según un estudio.

La importancia de la prevención primaria en el desarrollo motor infantil para prevenir la plagiocefalia, según un estudio.

prevención plagiocefalia sueño seguro desarrollo motor tiempo boca abajo control de cabeza fisioterapia pediátrica coordinación cabeza-cuello fortalecimiento flexores cervicales prevención primaria.


Este artículo analiza la prevención y tratamiento de la plagiocefalia posicional en bebés.

Aunque la recomendación de dormir boca arriba para prevenir la muerte súbita del lactante sigue siendo esencial, esta posición puede contribuir a la aparición de plagiocefalia.

El artículo destaca la importancia de recomendar a los padres que realicen "tiempo boca abajo" para el desarrollo del control de cabeza y el fortalecimiento de los músculos del cuello, y señala la falta de atención a la prevención primaria de la plagiocefalia.

Se recomienda a los fisioterapeutas que consideren la "facetime" (tiempo de cara) como estrategia para la prevención primaria de la plagiocefalia.

Además, se resalta la importancia del control de la cabeza para el desarrollo motor de los bebés y se sugiere la prueba "pull to sit" como un indicador temprano del desarrollo motor.

Prevención y Tratamiento de la Plagiocefalia en Clínicas de Fisioterapia

Las clínicas de fisioterapia juegan un rol crucial en la prevención y tratamiento de la plagiocefalia en bebés. Los fisioterapeutas deben estar capacitados para identificar dicha condición y aplicar técnicas adecuadas de intervención. La atención temprana y el enfoque multidisciplinario son fundamentales para lograr resultados óptimos en el cuidado de los pacientes.

Abstract original

Another look at "tummy time" for primary plagiocephaly prevention and motor development

It is three decades since it was recommended that infants sleep on the back to reduce risk of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). The SUID prevention program is known as "back to sleep" or "safe sleeping", and this initiative is not questioned. Sleeping on the back is associated with, but not the cause of, the development of infant positional plagiocephaly, also known as deformational or a non-synostotic misshapen head when the skull sutures are open, not fused. This paper provides a synthesis of the history and impact of positional plagiocephaly. It includes a scoping review of plagiocephaly prevention facilitating motor development and reveals few articles on primary prevention which aims to prevent it developing in the first place. It is concerning that preschool-aged children with a history of infant plagiocephaly continued to receive lower developmental scores, particularly in motor development, than unaffected controls, and this may be a marker of developmental delay. Tummy-time (prone) for play is the mainstay of plagiocephaly prevention advice to minimize development of plagiocephaly and to facilitate infant motor development, particularly head control. While tummy-time has shown benefit for infant development, there is limited evidence of its effectiveness in preventing plagiocephaly and some evidence that it promotes only prone-specific motor skills. Most of the published literature is concerned with treatment post-diagnosis, in the form of reviews, or clinical notes. There is a plethora of opinion articles reinforcing tummy-time from birth for plagiocephaly prevention. The review shows that there are gaps in advice for early infant development of head control. An accepted test of head control in infants is "pull to sit" from supine which demonstrates antigravity strength of the neck flexors and coordination of the head and neck when the infant is drawn to sit from supine. This motor skill was cited as achievable by 4 months in the earliest paper on plagiocephaly in 1996. Physical therapists and others should revisit the mechanism of early infant head control development against gravity, particularly antigravity head, neck and trunk coordinated flexion movement in supine, as there has been little attention to early facilitation of this motor skill as a plagiocephaly prevention strategy. This may be achieved by considering "face time" as well as tummy time for primary prevention of plagiocephaly.

Autores Elizabeth Williams
Mary Galea
revista Infant Behav Dev
DOI 10.1016/j.infbeh.2023.101839