Description: A stressed out person, possibly a physiotherapist, holding their head in their hands.

El COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de estrés y burnout en fisioterapeutas, según estudio.

El COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de estrés y burnout en fisioterapeutas, según estudio.

estrés laboral síndrome de burnout fisioterapeutas pandemia prevención del estrés apoyo social recompensas laborales.


Un estudio analizó el nivel de estrés generalizado, estrés ocupacional y síndrome de burnout entre fisioterapeutas durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Participaron 170 fisioterapeutas, 100 durante la pandemia y 70 antes de ella.

Los fisioterapeutas examinados antes de la pandemia mostraron un nivel más alto de estrés generalizado, estrés ocupacional y síndrome de burnout.

Los factores clave que causaron un estrés ocupacional intensificado en ambos grupos incluyen la falta de recompensas en el trabajo, interacción social y apoyo.

Los resultados sugieren que los fisioterapeutas están expuestos a un alto riesgo de burnout no solo durante la pandemia.

Los programas de prevención del estrés ocupacional deben identificar y eliminar todos los riesgos laborales.

Priorizando el bienestar emocional en clínicas de fisioterapia durante la pandemia

La pandemia ha generado un aumento del estrés laboral en el sector de la fisioterapia. Es vital que los fisioterapeutas cuiden su bienestar emocional y las clínicas de fisioterapia prioricen la prevención del estrés en su personal. Implementar medidas de apoyo emocional y promover un entorno laboral saludable son acciones clave para enfrentar estos desafíos.

Abstract original

Analysis of the sense of occupational stress and burnout syndrome among physiotherapists during the COVID-19 pandemic

The nature of physiotherapists' work involves an increased risk of occupational stress and burnout, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the aim of the study was to analyse the level of perceived generalised stress, the occupational stress and the occupational burnout syndrome among physiotherapists during the COVID-19 pandemic. One hundred seventy professionally active physiotherapists participated in the study: 100-during the pandemic and 70 before the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was carried out using the authors' survey, the Subjective Work Assessment Questionnaire (SWAQ), the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), and the Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (Mini-COPE) inventory. The physiotherapists examined prior to the pandemic exhibited a higher level of generalised stress and higher level of occupational stress and occupational burnout (p = 0.0342; p < 0.00001; p < 0.00001, respectively). The key factors which caused intensified occupational stress in both groups included the lack of rewards at work, social interaction, and the lack of support. The results suggest that healthcare professionals including physiotherapists are exposed to occupational stress and a high risk of occupational burnout, not only during the COVID-19 pandemic. Occupational stress prevention programmes should be based on the identification and elimination of all occupational risks.

Autores Dorota Wójtowicz
Joanna Kowalska
revista Sci Rep
DOI 10.1038/s41598-023-32958-x