Description: Senior adult doing resistance exercises with weights to improve muscle strength and reduce fracture risk.

"La evaluación de la fuerza muscular y el rendimiento físico son claves para prevenir fracturas en adultos mayores"

"La evaluación de la fuerza muscular y el rendimiento físico son claves para prevenir fracturas en adultos mayores"

osteoporosis fracturas riesgo de fractura masa muscular fuerza muscular rendimiento físico sarcopenia ejercicio físico intervención prevención de fracturas.


La osteoporosis y las fracturas asociadas son un problema de salud importante en los adultos mayores.

La evaluación del riesgo de fractura se ha centrado en la densidad mineral ósea, pero la fuerza muscular y el rendimiento físico también son factores importantes.

La sarcopenia, la cual es la combinación de baja masa muscular, fuerza y/o rendimiento físico, puede contribuir al riesgo de fractura.

Se recomienda que los fisioterapeutas se centren en la evaluación de la fuerza muscular y el rendimiento físico en lugar de la masa muscular para predecir el riesgo de fractura.

El ejercicio de resistencia puede mejorar estos parámetros y reducir el riesgo de fracturas.

Valoración y Entrenamiento Muscular: Clave para Prevenir Fracturas

El entrenamiento muscular y la correcta valoración por parte del fisioterapeuta son fundamentales en la prevención de fracturas. Las clínicas de fisioterapia deben incorporar estrategias efectivas de ejercicio para reducir el riesgo en sus pacientes. Potenciar la calidad de vida y la independencia funcional es el objetivo principal en este ámbito.


Abstract original

Muscle strength and physical performance contribute to and improve fracture risk prediction in older people: A narrative review

Osteoporotic fractures present a major health problem with an increasing prevalence in older people. Fractures are associated with premature mortality, reduced quality of life, subsequent fracture, and increased costs. Hence, it is crucial to identify those at higher risk of fracture. Fracture risk assessment tools incorporated clinical risk factors to improve fracture predictive power over BMD alone. However, fracture risk prediction using these algorithms remains suboptimal, warranting further improvement. Muscle strength and physical performance measurements have been associated with fracture risk. In contrast, the contribution of sarcopenia, the composite condition of low muscle mass, muscle strength and/or physical performance, to fracture risk is unclear. It is uncertain whether this is due to the problematic definition of sarcopenia per se or limitations of the diagnostic tools and cut-off points of the muscle mass component. The recent position statement from the Sarcopenia Definition and Outcomes Consortium confirmed the inclusion of muscle strength and performance in the definition of sarcopenia but not DXA-assessed lean mass. Therefore, clinicians should focus on functional assessment (muscle strength and performance) rather than muscle mass, at least as assessed by DXA, as predictors of fractures. Muscle strength and performance are modifiable risk factors. Resistance exercise improves muscle parameters in the elderly, potentially leading to reduced risk of falls and fractures in the general population and in those who sustained a fracture. Therapists may consider exercise intervention to improve muscle parameters and potentially reduce the risk of fractures. The aim of this review was to explore 1) the contribution of muscle parameters (i.e., muscle mass, strength, and physical performance) to fracture risk in older adults, and 2) the added predictive accuracy of these parameters beyond the existing fracture assessment tools. These topics provide the rationale for investigating strength and physical performance interventions to reduce fracture risk. Most of the included publications showed that muscle mass is not a good predictor of fracture risk, while poor muscle strength and performance are associated with an increased risk of fracture, particularly in men, independent of age, BMD, and other risk factors for fractures. Muscle strength and performance can potentially improve the predictive accuracy in men beyond that obtained by the fracture risk assessment tools, Garvan FRC and FRAX.

Autores Dima A Alajlouni
Dana Bliuc
Thach S Tran
Robert D Blank
Jacqueline R Center
revista Bone
DOI 10.1016/j.bone.2023.116755